API Reference



By default, Sourcepoint will set the respective U.S. State privacy section for each of the following U.S. states that are added to the framework territories of a property's vendor list: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Utah, and Virginia.

The U.S. National Privacy section will be set for all other U.S. states added to the framework territories of a property's vendor list.

The Global Privacy Platform (GPP) enables advertisers, publishers and technology vendors in the digital advertising industry to adapt to regulatory demands across markets. It is a single protocol designed to streamline transmitting privacy, consent, and consumer choice signals from sites and apps to ad tech providers. IAB Tech Lab stewards the development of these technical specifications.

The articles in this section will cover various commands your organization can make using the IAB GPP API. These commands are standard with the __gpp function call.


U.S. National Privacy Section

Please note there is currently a discrepancy between the documented client side API prefix for all sections in the GPP specification and how it is implemented via the GPP stub file. In order to ensure your commands execute successfully, the articles in this section will utilize the API prefixes as it is implemented via the GPP stub file until the discrepancy is remedied.