API Reference


The postRejectAll command is an on-page opt-out mechanism that will reject all purposes and vendors for the GDPR Standard vendor list associated with the property. By attaching the command to an onclick event of a page element, your organization can provide end-users with a one-click solution that allows them to easily revoke consent.


Use Case

To comply with certain local DPA regulations regarding the PUR model, your organization needs to implement a button that allows an end-user to revoke consent as easily as it is given. End-users who visit your website property can give consent with one click and you need to permanently display a button that allows consent to be revoked with also one click.


window._sp_.gdpr.postRejectAll((postRejectAll, success) => console.log(success));

Implement postRejectAll

In order to implement the postRejectAll command on your website property, you will need to:

  1. Implement a button or link on your website property with an element ID. The suggested element ID is "postRejectAll".
  2. Create a function that executes the postRejectAll command.
  3. Use the document.getElementbyId method to return the button or link ID and call your function for an onclick event.
<!--Create modal with a button--> 
<div id="myModal" class="modal"> 
  <div class="modal-content"> 
    <p> Revoke consent at any time. Opt out of all purposes and vendors.</p> 
    <button id="postRejectAll">Reject All</button> 
    //calls function when Reject All button is clicked
    document.getElementById("postRejectAll").onclick = function() {myFunction()};
    //function that executes postRejectAll command
    function myFunction() {
      window._sp_.gdpr.postRejectAll((postRejectAll, success) => console.log(success));


In addition to any custom code you might implement when your function executes, a successful reject all action will return true for the success parameter.