API Reference

tcData object

The tcData object contains encoded and unencoded values of the TC String, vendors, IAB purposes, etc... pertaining to an end-user's current browser session. The tcData object can be accessed via the callback function of the [addEventListener] command.

addtlConsent: "1~"
cmpId: 6
cmpStatus: "loaded"
cmpVersion: 1
eventStatus: "tcloaded"
gdprApplies: true
isServiceSpecific: true
listenerId: 0
publisher {
   consents { 1: true, 2: true, 3: true, 4: true, 5: true, 6: true	},
   legitimateInterests { 1: true, 2: true, 3: true, 4: true, 5: true, 6: true, 7: true, 8: true, 9: true, 10: true, 11: true },
   restrictions {
      2:   { 755:1 },
      5:   { 755:1 },
      6:   { 755:1 },
      7:   { 755:1 },
      9:   { 109:1, 755:1 },
      10:  { 755:1 },
      11:  { 109:1 }
publisherCC: "DE"
purpose {
   consents { 1: true, 2: true, 3: true, 4: true, 5: true, 6: true, 7: true, 8: true, 9: true, 10: true, 11: true },
   legitimateInterests { 1: false, 2: false, 3: false, 4: false, 5: false, 6: false, 7: true, 8: true, 9: true, 10: true, 11: true } 
purposeOneTreatment: false
specialFeatureOptins: { 1: true, 2: true }
tcfPolicyVersion: 2
useNonStandardStacks: false
vendor {
   consents { 1: true, 2: true, 3: true, 4: true, 5: true, 6: true, 7: true, 8: true, 9: true, 10: true },
   legitimateInterests { 1: false, 2: false, 3: false, 4: false, 5: false, 6: false, 7: true, 8: true, 9: true, 10: true } 
  description: "tcData object"
  type: object
      type: string
      description: "Google Additional Consent allows Google and the IAB Framework to pass end-user consent to Google Ad Technology Providers despite not adhering to the IAB TCF v2 Framework"
      type: number
      description: "CMP id assigned by the IAB"
      type: string
      description: "An CMP status that can be stub | loading | loaded | error"
      type: number
      description: "The version of the CMP API that is"
      type: string
      description: "The event status which can be useractioncomplete | tcloaded | cmpuishown"
      type: boolean
      description: "true if GDPR applies to this implementation"
      type: boolean
      description: "true if using a service-specific or publisher-specific TC String | false if using a global scope TC String"
      type: number
      description: "Unique ID assigned by the CMP to the listener function registered via addEventListener"
      type: object
      description: "Publisher consent purposes or legitimate interest purposes the end-user has agreed to or rejected."
          type: object
          description: "IAB purposes end-user has consented to. Schema is {IAB purpose Id : boolean if an end-user has consented to this purpose}"
          type: object
          description: "IAB purposes that use legitimate interest and has been consented to by end-user. Schema is {IAB purpose Id : boolean if an end-user has consented to this purpose}"
          type: object
          description: "If an end-user accepts a vendor with the following legal basis- consent, legitimate interest or not allowed. Schema is {IAB purpose Id: {IAB vendor Id: 0 = CONSENT | 1 = LEGIMIATE INTEREST | 2 = NOT ALLOWED}}"
      type: string
      description: "Country code of the country that determines the policy."
      type: object
      description: "Consent purposes or legitimate interest purposes the end-user has agreed to or rejected."
          type: object
          description: "IAB purposes end-user has consented to. Schema is {IAB purpose Id : boolean if an end-user has consented to this purpose}"
          type: object
          description: "IAB purposes that use legitimate interest and has been consented to by end-user. Schema is {IAB purpose Id : boolean if an end-user has consented to this purpose}"
      type: boolean
      description: "Only exists on service-specific TC. `true` if Purpose 1 not disclosed at all. CMPs use PublisherCC to indicate the publisher's country of establishment to help determine whether the vendor requires Purpose 1 consent. `false` if there is no special Purpose 1 treatment status. Purpose 1 is disclosed normally (consent) as expected by TCF Policy."
      type: object
      description: "IAB special features that end-user has consented to. Schema is {IAB Special Feature ID: boolean}"
      type: string
      description: "base64 url-encoded consent string"
      type: number
      description: "Number of the supported TCF version"
      type: boolean
      description: "If the CMP is using publisher-customized stack descriptions"
        type: object
        description: "Vendors with consent or legitimate interest purposes the end-user has agreed to or rejected."
            type: object
            description: "Vendors that use consent as a legal basis that was accepted by the end-user. Schema is {IAB purpose Id : boolean if an end-user has consented to this purpose}"
            description: "Vendors that use legitimate interest as a legal basis that was accepted by the end-user. Schema is {IAB purpose Id : boolean if an end-user has accepted this purpose}"


Click here for additional information on the tcData object