API Reference

IAB U.S. Privacy API

The __uspapi function takes three arguments: the command, US privacy version and callback function:

CommandThe specific action your organization wishes to perform.
U.S. Privacy Specification versionA callback function can be custom code defined by your organization to complete a task depending on the value of success and using the data in uspData. See below for more information.



Your organization could write a custom callback function that returns the contents in the uspData. The callback function has two arguments:

  • uspData - a JSON object that contains the unencoded values of the string
  • success - a boolean value (true/false) that informs if the command request was successful

The callback function should be called immediately and without any asynchronous logic. The callback shall be invoked only once per API call with this command.

A value of false will be passed as the value to the success argument to the callback when no uspData object could be returned.

The articles in this section will cover various commands your organization can make using the __uspapi API. This includes commands that are standard with the __uspapi call and additional commands that Sourcepoint has created to extend the functionality of the IAB's U.S. Privacy - CCPA API for custom function integrations

For more detailed information, click here to access the IAB's repository regarding the USP API.